This site is undergoing a live upgrade.

The site and its template design is currently being worked on. I apologize for any inconvenience to you that this may cause. I am also aware of certain issues and I am working diligently to get this fixed. I am working on a new framework, and testing it on a live site is necessary to iron out potential problems. This could take some time to complete, as higher priority tasks outside this website require my attention first.

I would to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving in 2020!

This year, Thanksgiving will be different because of Covid-19. That is all the more reason to try to remain thankful and positive for what we still have. Remember, that it could always be worse. Also, if you have can food to spare, please consider donating to your local food bank.

Happy Halloween in 2020!

I would like to wish everyone a happy Halloween, even though Treat or Treating and Haunted Trails have been cancelled this year. I recommend watching a good scary movie or watching scary pranks on YouTube, like this one:

What you should do if you win the lottery

Alot of people play the lottery with no plan or any idea of the pitfalls of having more money than they are used to. This is meant to be a rough guide on what you should do if you win, but keep in mind this is only a guide and rules vary from state to state.

Did you know that 50% of lottery winners spend it all within two years, and 70% of lottery winners spend it all within five years; which in turn forces them to go back to their day jobs?

Happy April Fool's Day in the year 2020!

April Fools' Day or sometimes called All Fools' Day, has been around since the 19th century. It is an annual custom on April 1, consisting of harmless pranks. Here is a short video of last year's prank people did to one another:

My version of the Declaration of Human Rights, first draft

I have read the Declaration of Human Rights many times, and it has always bothered me how long it is, and how it says "rights" in the title, mostly says what NOT to do. So I decided to see if I could write a modern, shorter, improved version.

How to determine your cost of living, and tips on how to reduce it

It has been reported that 80% of Americans live beyond their means. They live paycheck to paycheck, rotate which monthly bill to skip, and have no means of retirement other than the unreliable social security. Also, the average american has $60,000 in debt between mortgage, car loans, student loans, and credit card debt.

I added an archives page to this site for your convenience

Today, I finished the custom archives page that lists post categories, tags, posts by date, and has a search feature. I'm excited about this because I did something that Blogger by default, does not feature. Using Blogger's labels widgets, I can dynamically seperate categories from tags. Meaning the script or method I use does not have to be updated, but I can update/edit/add tags & categories as I see fit without breaking anything.

Why I prefer Google Stadia over a traditional gaming console

This is not a review, but maybe a pre-review. I will not be mentioning the lack of Stadia features that were promised at launch, because I didn't purchase it at launch. I will instead, express my personal experience thus far, and how it currently serves my needs.

Blogspot: search posts using multiple labels

It took me awhile to realize that you could search for posts with more than one label on a Google Blogspot website. Why is this important? Not only can you search more specifically on someone else's Blogspot website, but you can also create your own menu items for your own Blogspot site to show things with certain multiple labels. Let me share with you how to do this.

Dealing with roses that have rose rosette disease

I am not an expert. This is based on personal experience of having taken care of over 40+ roses (mostly knockout variety) in the past 5 years. All of my roses, and my neighbors, have fallen victim to the uncommon rose rosette disease. This is what I learned...

My Blogspot theme design for Cannon Memorial Masonic Lodge

The client needed a free blogging solution for the domain and so I recommended Google Blogger Blogspot over Wordpress. For those Wordpress lovers, I didn't recommend the free version of Wordpress because of it's limited branding options in it's free tier.

So "SixTwoSix" is a Blogspot theme that I made for "Cannon Memorial Masonic Lodge 626" that features fluid responsive design with page loader. It will look great on smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This theme is exclusive to Cannon Memorial Masonic Lodge, and will be available to anyone else.

Free SVG border shapes for your web design.

Using Inkscape, I have created several SVG border shapes to use in web design. With it being a vector graphic, they will scale without losing image quality. You may use this images for free, as long as you don't try to sell or redistribute them. A link back would be nice, but not required. A monetary donation would be even better.

NOTE: I intend to add more as I need them. So be sure to check back to see any new ones I may have added.

Happy New Year to you in the year 2020

I just would like to say happy New Year's to everyone out there. May this be your best year yet. Let's move forward together to a better and brighter future!

I have made a New Year's resolution to be more productive, by eliminating distractions and excessive projects. I had been trying to work on too many projects in the past and got spread too thin. This caused me to neglect my primary business and lose alot of "me" time just to relax. This year I hope to get more done, but at the same time have more fun and not take things I cannot control so seriously.

Best Wishes,

- Draven Xarcell Vestatt
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